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Transportation Alternatives in Wisconsin

Here's what you need to know...
  • People choose alternative means of transportation for many reasons
  • Wisconsin offers many options with regard to alternative transportation
  • Bicycling and walking are both great ways to commute
  • Telecommuting is a great way to eliminate your need to travel to work
  • Comparing insurance quotes is an important part of shopping for insurance

Many urban cities are expanding their public transit systems. The number of people carpooling and biking to work is also on the rise. Why are so many people opting for alternative transportation over their own vehicles? The truth is, there are many reasons.

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Why should people even consider alternative forms of transportation?


– Health

Many people are opting to utilize alternative means of transportation for the health benefits. Those who love to walk or bike can get their daily exercise while commuting to work. This is great for people who don’t have time to workout during the week.

– Savings

People also choose to utilize alternative transportation as a way to save money. By cutting out the need to pay for gas and vehicle maintenance many people are saving hundreds of dollars a year.

– Avoid Traffic

Alternative transportation also allows people to avoid traffic. If you’ve ever had to sit through 5 o’clock traffic, you know how stressful traffic can be! Avoiding traffic is another way to boost your health and another reason to choose alternative transportation!

– Go Green

Some people have ethical reasons for using alternative transportation. Utilizing transportation alternatives allows our country to reduce its dependency on foreign oil. Some people want to make sure that they reduce their carbon footprint.

With global warming becoming a greater concern in recent years, many people are making choices that help reduce carbon emissions.

Public Transportation Options in Wisconsin


– Intercity Public Transportation

Wisconsin offers many intercity public transportation options. Wisconsin’s Amtrak is a train system that runs from Milwaukee to La Crosse and north along the Wisconsin-Minnesota border.

The train is a great and comfortable way to travel. Many trains offer wi-fi and allow commuters to work, relax, or study.

Wisconsin’s bus system runs daily and also has weekend options. The companies that offer bus services include Amtrak, Greyhound, Megabus, and many others! Some of these options offer wi-fi!

Ferry options allow commuters to travel from Milwaukee to Muskegon and Manitowoc to Ludington.

– Private Bus Companies

Many of the companies that are utilized by urban cities as their public transit also offer private bus services for long distance travel. Greyhound is a popular choice among commuters and allows people to travel across the state for both work and recreation.

– Safety Considerations With Public Transportation

Statistically, it’s much safer to utilize public transportation than to drive yourself.

One study showed that riding a public bus is 60 times safer than driving. Bus drivers are trained to avoid accidents, and public buses are rather large vehicles.

They are rarely damaged severely in a collision and are much easier to see than a private passenger vehicle.

Bicycling and Walking

Bicycling and walking are both great means of alternative transportation. Both allow people to avoid traffic that traditional commuters must deal with. Both also allow individuals to significantly lower their carbon footprints.

Someone who bikes or walks as their primary means of transportation creates zero carbon emissions.

The drawbacks of bicycling and walking are potential longer commute times and the limitation on distance. Both require an individual to be a relatively close proximity to their destination. For walkers, this is even truer.

The weather can also play a big factor in someone’s decision to commute. Bicycling or walking in the heat of summer or cold of winter can be extremely uncomfortable. Those who commute via car have the creature comforts of climate control.

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Bicycling has been popular in Wisconsin for over 100 years. As such, many of Wisconsin’s major cities include bike lanes and paths for bicyclists. The state legislature authorized cities and counties to construct and maintain bicycling paths in 1901.

Most urban areas have preserved the original bike paths from that time. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation publishes more than 25 bicycling maps for the public.

Bicycling is also great for your health. Riding a bicycle is a great cardio workout. It helps strengthen your heart, burn fat, lower your blood pressure, boost serotonin levels, and promote muscle growth. Bicycling is a great way to stay in shape while commuting.

Bicycling is a very safe way to travel. Considering most cities have bike lanes and paths, the chances of having an accident with a car are dramatically reduced. Bicycles have the opportunity to see parts of the city that traditional commuters rarely see.

Bicyclists can weave through alleys and find shortcuts to their favorite and frequent locations.

Ridesharing in Wisconsin


You’ve probably heard of Uber and Lyft. If you have, then you already know what ridesharing is. Traditional ridesharing is very similar to a taxi service. Ridesharing apps allow riders to find drivers who will transport them to their destination.

Most traditional ridesharing programs utilize a smartphone app, so you can find a vehicle no matter where you are in Wisconsin.

You can search for apps like Lyft and Uber in your phone’s app store. After you’ve downloaded the app, you’re good to go! You can start ridesharing immediately.

The State of Wisconsin has its own ridesharing program. It is free and it matches commuters with open seats in the cars of drivers. This program is a great way to share the cost of commuting and the program is free to utilize!

A UW-Madison student recently developed an app to help ridesharers as well! The app allows people to connect through a forum and through social media.

The service will focus on long trips (intercity and cross country), rather than the short commutes that traditional services offer.

Carpooling and utilizing the two previously mentioned programs are both a free form of ridesharing. Apps like Uber and Lyft require an exchange of money, but carpooling is both free and convenient! Most cities have a commuter lane that is only to be utilized by those carpooling.

These types of perks motivate people to rideshare and carpool together.

Flex Schedules and Telecommuting


Telecommuting is another way that individuals can save their commuting costs.

Those who telecommute do so from a remote location, usually their home. Telecommuting eliminates the need to drive, walk, or ride to your office altogether! Working at home in your pajamas doesn’t sound like a bad gig!

The only con of telecommuting is the need to possess a strong drive and work ethic. With no supervisor hovering over your shoulder, it can be easy to let your work go.

Shopping Around for Insurance in Wisconsin

The most important thing to remember when shopping for car insurance is the need to compare as many policies and quotes as possible.

This ensures that you get the best deal available. Whether you ride a bike or drive a car, it’s important to make sure you’re taken care of if or when you have an accident!

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